Sunday, August 24, 2008 - Airfare via

As you know, is a VIP Portal to Nightlife, Fashion, and Travel. One of our Preferred Partners is Who is

Provided by Kayak:

Kayak is a travel search engine. Which means we search hundreds of travel sites from all over the world, provide the information to you in an easy-to-use display and send you directly to the source to make your purchase. More than any other travel site, we help you find the perfect flight, hotel, cruise, or rental car. After all, what good are 1000 options when you can't find the flight you want? Once you make your choice, we link to the travel sites to make your purchase. Kayak allows you to choose which site to purchase from– through an online travel agency or consolidator such as Orbitz or Kayak's search engine can find all kinds of travel products– from flights and hotels to rental cars and cruises. Our fare alerts and fare history help travelers stay on top of ever-changing travel prices.
In short, you are in control of your travel choices. Since we search hundreds of travel websites (including online travel agency sites), you now have to search only one: Kayak.

So now you know about We are proud to say that is one of our favorite places to book airfare, and where else can you go and take advantage of Kayak's Super Deals? Well, the answer is,

By searching all of your airfare on Kayak via , you are saying....I'm just plain cool! And we know that you are =)

So Jet Set Your ass around the world, and maybe we will bump into you and buy you a couple rounds, and or dances....depending on what venue we're hanging out at! Wink...

Also, for all of you that have the FAT POCKETS, you can also book Private Jet Travel via Give it a shot, and don't forget to invite us!

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